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Rays of Hope Anchor Centres

Anchor Centres are cancer centres which have shown resilience through decades of experience working with the IAEA to support their respective region.

The IAEA Rays of Hope initiative (RoH) is aimed at assisting Member States in establishing or expanding their capacities in radiotherapy and multimodality medical imaging. These synergistic radiation applications in medicine are vital to caring for cancer patients.

Central to the initiative will be support to the designated RoH Anchor Centres, thereby strengthening and expanding the capacity of a selected centre to conduct critical work more effectively. The Anchor Centres will train fellows, organize training courses for healthcare providers, participate in IAEA Coordinated Research Projects, promote networking, and provide experts and mentorship to other radiotherapy and medical imaging centres in their region.

This comprehensive multi-pronged radiation medicine approach is part of efforts underway to build or strengthen Member States’ overall capacities in cancer care. RoH contributes directly to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, target 4.

RoH emphasizes equipment, training, research/innovation, and the support of these regional Anchor Centres to maximize the delivery of high impact interventions to cancer patients.


Towards continued improvement of cancer management in all the world regions, the IAEA RoH initiative goals include supporting Anchor Centres to further develop their educational and research capacities, concurrent with assistance in improving the centres’ overall radiation therapy and medical imaging infrastructures.

Anchor Centres have to be or aspire to be regional leaders, contributing to best practices in radiation medicine and in supporting continuing professional development. Such centres need to have integrated cancer services using a range of technologies from diagnosis to treatment. An Anchor Centre needs to have a proven record of participation in IAEA Coordinated Research Projects; training fellows in conjunction with the IAEA; providing experts for IAEA training courses and missions; and providing education and training programmes (Masters and/or Doctorate, residency and fellowship programmes) in radiation medicine-related disciplines, jointly with nationally recognized universities.

The IAEA Secretariat selects Rays of Hope Anchor Centres based on specific criteria.

Designation Process

  1. Formal written expression of interest from Member State to the IAEA Director General via official.mail@iaea.org, specifically asking for an institution to be an Anchor Centre.
  2. Meeting with the IAEA for further discussion of candidacy details. 
  3. Submission of formal application and supporting documentation.
  4. Committee review by the IAEA, and recommendation for approval or possible improvements.
  5. Detailed bilateral discussions on IAEA support to the Anchor Centre.
  6. Two agreements signed (Collaborating Centre / Anchor Centre agreement, as well as a separate agreement defining IAEA support).

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